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Social Media Craze is Not Going Away

Social Media Craze is Not Going Away

Social Media: If You Aren’t Using Social Media in 2013, You Might as Well Write This Year off as a Loss I recently received an email from our neighborhood real estate agent, directing us to a video by a real estate expert. The expert discussed what had transpired in...

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Writing for Social Media and Websites

Social Media is the sharing of information and interaction with others through online sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest, and Google Plus, just to name a few of the more popular sites.

I like to think of Social Media as adult “Show and Tell.”

When we were little we had the opportunity to bring in something to share with our classmates. Maybe it was a toy or trinket, souvenir or story. In any case, we had the opportunity to have a forum to share with our peers. And in the end, our peers grew curious and asked us many questions about what we shared, at which point sharing became an interaction.

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New Editing Service now available

 Editing Services For Students and Small Business Professionals Do you need a second eye to proofread your high school essay, college entrance essay, or business proposal? With a strong background in English and credentials in English and secondary education,...

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